Tenants Insurance

- Tenants liability cover up to £10,000
Not insured when the Home is Unoccupied or Unfurnished - Legal liability cover up to £2,000,000
Cover will not include liability arising from injury, death, disease, or illness to any of Your Family - Personal money cover up to £1,000
Cover will not include any losses not reported to the Police immediately after discovery - Credit card cover up to £1,000
Cover will not include losses caused by error or omissions - Freezer contents cover up to £500
Cover will not include deliberate act of the supply authority - Optional addition legal cover
Cover will not include any claims arising before insurance started.
Landlords Insurance

- Up to 33% of buildings sum insured loss of rent cover.
£5 million property owners liability cover
The insurance will not pay for liability for:
Bodily injury to you or an employee.
Property belonging to you or for which you are responsible. -
Cover for malicious damage caused by tenants
The insurance will not pay for liability for:
Loss or damage caused while the property is unoccupied or unfurnished - £10k FREE contents cover when you insure your buildings with us, excluding the excess which is shown on your schedule.
- Optional addition legal cover, excluding claims where the amount in dispute are less than £500.

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We are authorised & regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Our firm reference no. is 304595.
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